The culture and landscape of a forest based community is very different to that of an agricultural based society. Before records began our community was established by sharing the benefits and work of caring for our forest. Throughout the centuries from the Norman Invasion, National politics and more recently technological advances have changed the way our forest supports our community, but have never diminished its central role in the communities identity and existence.

This land has :-

  • inspired Welsh poets,
  • provided refuge for Welsh princes,
  • been on the front line of a 200 year long battle for control of Wales,
  • the larder for Norman solders,
  • the birthplace of religious movements and
  • provided explosives for the ‘Great War’
  • Was home to unemployed men in the depression and children evacuated from the Spanish Civil War.

We have commissioned the production of a series of leaflets on key historical sites,  events and characters, and have drawn together links to other sources of information on the same themes.

Mae tirwedd, a hunaniaeth cymuned goedwigol yn wahannol iawn i gymuned amaethyddol?. Mae hanes ein cymuned wedi ei gwreiddio yng nghadwraeth y goedwig. Dros y canrifoedd mae sawl esblygiad neu ddigwyddiad wedi newid y berthynas rhwng y goedwig a’r gymuned- boed hynnu’n Goncwest Normanaidd, Chwyldro diwylliannol neu datblygiadau diweddar y byd modern, er hyn mae’r goedwig yn parhau yn ran gannolog o’n bywoliaeth.

Mae’n tir yma wedi

  • Ysbrydoli beirdd Cymraeg
  • Mochel Tywysogion Cymru
  • Wedi bod ar linell flaen yn y Concwest Normanaidd am dros 200 mlynedd
  • Wedi bwydo millwyr Normanaidd
  • Geni symudiadau crefyddol
  • Cynhyrchu ffrwydron ar gyfer y Rhyfel Mawr
  • Yn gartfref I dlodion yn ystod diweithdra’r 30au
  • Ac wedi gwarchod Ffoaduriaid o’r Rhyfel Cartref Sbaeneg