Neville Danby and Bill Mason of Forest Research produced a detailed report on the Forest garden in 1993.   The report covers the site,  history,  current status of all plots,  measurement information for 22 of the plots and sets out their recommendations for the future of the site.

Danby&Mason-The-Brechfa-forest-plots-Result- after-40-years-Summary

Danby&Mason-The-Brechfa-forest-plots-Results-after-40 years-FullReport

Report by Forest Research staff for  presentations to  the Royal Forestry Society on the Forest Garden held in 1993 and 1999.

Brechfa_RFS meeting 1993


The objective of this report is to present a numerical analysis of the collection in Brechfa Forest Garden in terms of its species composition and conservation value.   The authors name is not given in the document,  it is believed that it was written by a member of Forest Research staff.

An Analysis of the species composition of Brechfa Forest Garden_2006

A photocopy of the first page of an article in a Forestry Commission Bulletin describing the purpose of a Forest Garden,   undated,  however the quoted price for the bulletin shows it was published before 1971  (priced in shillings and pence)

What is a Forest Garden