Brechfa Forest and Llanllwni Mountain Tourism Cluster Association are hosting a talk on Brechfa Forest Garden for local tourism businesses and interested individuals on the 26th of September at Keepers.     Brechfa.

The speaker is from Forest Research,  who will not only tell us about the history and importance of Brechfa Forest Garden,  but will also be able to answer questions on how the other 3 Forest Gardens in the UK are being managed as tourist attractions and centres for research.

Numbers are limited,   so we have arranged for the event to be held twice on the 26th.   The first session will be from 2.30pm to 4.30pm  followed by refreshments.   The second session will be from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.    Refreshments will be served between the two sessions.

Tickets are free,  to book a space on one of the sessions :-

Afternoon session

Evening session